ORANZ Presdientoranzpresident@gmail.com027 243 0020
Executive Memberoranz.executive@outlook.co.nz027 226 1511
South Island Vice-PresidentSIVP@outlook.co.nz022 676 9334
Executive Membertarren.mccall@xtra.co.nz020 4162 7620
North Island Vice-President
Clerk of the Course (COC)oranzclerkofthecourse@gmail.com021 048 8692
Chief Technical Officer (CTO)oranzcto@gmail.com027 435 7448
Chief Steward (CS)oranzcs@gmail.com027 200 9695
ORANZ Club Promotion Coordinatororanzclubpromotions@gmail.com
ORANZ Points Coordinator
Treasurer / Registraroranztreasurerregistrar@gmail.com027 479 5360
ORANZ National Promotion Coordinatororanzpromotions@gmail.com
ORANZ Patronkbhoffroad@gmail.com027 482 6088
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